Seriously this is the 1st time i handle bird nest myself.. I RATHER buy the bottle ones coz i dun have to spend time double boiling it.. don't have to pick the feathers etc.. hehe One word: L A Z Y
Lil sim's grandpa ( MY DAD) knew i finished my bottled bird nest... MUM wanna to pass me some bird nest she found @ hm.. from unknown source... Ater they inspected it.. Dad tink ite bette not to take since its from unknown source and the colour had alrdy changed..
So he said he will get me some.. *felt so pampered*
Last time when i was young, i am those who will coughed till face turned green n white kind.. 100 over days cough..
so i am fed with bird nest coz sin seh said its meant to be good... somehow it work..
The last time i took it was during wedding preparation..
Now that i am preggy... i get to eat it again.. hehe but is homecooked ones by myself..
I had no idea how much these cost.. dad didn't mentioned it
But he knew i dunno how to handle it myself..
so he went to check out the medi shop...
These only need to be soak n no feathers in it..
I just need to soak it in hot water for 2hrs and dlb boiled it for an hr..
Was supposed to add in Pao sheng but i rejected it coz it will made me go slpless..
which was said to be good to 补气....
so i juz did mine with some rock sugar..
The portion for 2 slice was like too much.. prehaps i will just do 1 each time on next time... or is it i put too lil water to make 2 serving @ a time... This is the biggest serving of bird nest i ever had in my life for the time being.. *gulity*
Bird's nest is sweet and neutral in nature. It nourishes Yin, expels phlem, eases cough and tonifies Qi in the Lung. Bird's nest nourishes without causing Dryness and Indigestion to the body. It has remained as the most popular tonic among all supplements for centuries.
Bird's nest tonifies the Lung and Kidney, fights aging and nourishes the Spleen. It is especially good for those weak in the Lung; those with coughing, excessive sputum and fatique; and for people with asthenia bodies.
For more details can read from:
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