What you need:
Meat of your choice... It be can chicken/Pork/Duck
Today i decided to use Pork Belly...
A bundle each of
Alots of people told me ITS SUPER HARD TO GET it clean... esp they will ate on sand like particles..
mmmm i tink i knew the reason behind it..
They directly soaked it.. so dat is why..
How to get rid of it???
For me... i will wash it 3 times to wash off the salt used to preserve the veg..
After that soak it for 30min... Cut it..
Then washed and drain off the water..
I forgotten GARLIC... yeap roughly a bulb of it.. with skins leave on...
I cooked the pork belly till its cooked so that
1. can get rid of the dirt
2. Easy to stew/steam it..
I do know of some people prefer to deep fried it as well BUT alots of work.. haha definately NOT a must for me..
After that... sliced it when its amost cool...