This is the 3rd time this year that i tried making bread... 1st time was alight but Mr. sim said its not fluffy enough 2nd time was a disaster cause its totally not the kind we are expecting though its look good and tasted alrite...
Woke up early today and decided to try my luck again since the weather is really good today .. meaning my proofing time and factor might have some luck..
Doesn't want to make too much since its only the 2 of us AND if failed again... we don't have to waste the bread and meaning i don't have to knead till i want to surrender...
GF asked me to invest in good breadflour like japanese bread flour BUT i doesn't want to pay more then $10 on a pack of flour when i can't even get the texture right... *meow* *meow* haha what is the point when i can't even master the right texture... waste of $$$ if i have to feed it to the rubbish bin, isn't it...
Finally after waiting and waiting... its time to bake it....i managed to have 6 pieces of 43g each...
topped with ham & cheese.. i rolled a piece of ham in between it as well.... look kind of small BUT it puff up in the oven... i should have make it smaller.. like mini ones...hehe.. the original HUGE bread... -_-" 

Out from the oven... i had a shock!!!!! its as hard as stone... heart sank to the bottom.. meaning i failed again????? sigh try my luck to let it cool down before i sentence it to death...
Finishing my work.. i went to touch it again... WOW its softer.. meaning it got some HOPE!
2 for ME.... 4 for Mr. sim to bring to work... *smile*
Its more Q-Q and will boounced back
it look more presentable now
it look more presentable now
Mmmmmmm but i know alots more to improve
Hopefully this can satisfied 我们家的沈老爷。。。。
update: 1st day, its really soft and fluffy... 2nd day, it doesn't remain that soft though i kept it in air tight box. Mmmm could it really be the flour issue? will try again
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