盘子是算盘-子, 广东省大埔县的客家菜. 大埔客很会做生意, 斤打细算; 而这道菜的卖相正如之前提的很像是算盘上的珠子, 所以取名算盘子. 这道菜的主角是芋头和薯粉, 配角是肉碎, 豆干等等... 这道菜其实很有嚼劲, 我觉得只要你材料的搭配能够保持算盘子的嚼劲, 又不盖过芋香, 就算成功.
1. 芋头加盐入锅蒸熟.
2. 芋头熟后, 趁热撒入薯粉, 一同搅拌. 期间加开水搅拌, 直至粉团不黏手.
3. 将粉团搓成一个个的圆形, 再用拇指和食指在中间按成两面凹的扁圆形.
4. 烧开水, 将这一颗颗算盘上的珠子放进沸水里. 珠子只要浮在水面, 就代表熟了, 可以捞出. 沥干水备用.
5. 炒香蒜茸, 葱茸和虾米, 之后逐一加入其他的配料和熟了的珠子.
6. 加入适量的黑酱油, 蚝油和盐调味.
7. 如果喜欢的话, 可以另外撒上葱花和芫菜, 上桌!
Quote: http://blog.roodo.com/utopiay/archives/2296499.html
1. 芋头加盐入锅蒸熟.
2. 芋头熟后, 趁热撒入薯粉, 一同搅拌. 期间加开水搅拌, 直至粉团不黏手.
3. 将粉团搓成一个个的圆形, 再用拇指和食指在中间按成两面凹的扁圆形.
4. 烧开水, 将这一颗颗算盘上的珠子放进沸水里. 珠子只要浮在水面, 就代表熟了, 可以捞出. 沥干水备用.
5. 炒香蒜茸, 葱茸和虾米, 之后逐一加入其他的配料和熟了的珠子.
6. 加入适量的黑酱油, 蚝油和盐调味.
7. 如果喜欢的话, 可以另外撒上葱花和芫菜, 上桌!
Quote: http://blog.roodo.com/utopiay/archives/2296499.html
This is one dish that i love and mum will only made it once or twice a year. As i couldn't eat the version that had everythings since i am allergy to seafoods like cuttlefish & dry shrimps that is a MUST.. i brought some home to cook on my own with only mushroom n minced pork. SIMPLY love it... there are many stalls selling them but @ a HIGH price and not so tasty taste.. i still love the homemade homecooked ones...
Must really learnt to make my own..since i am a hakka and been talking about making own for years BUT.. hehe u noe la.. a lots of work and i will only help out when mum made them.. SO ITS a must to start learning... hopefully soon... if not, i will only get to eat it once a year... *smile*
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