Ytd Mrs sim FINALLY managed to meet up with some online friends who got married in the same month and some SAME date.
Isn't it amazing to see how many people actually married in the same month BUT same dates... really cool...
We had been talking about meeting up but always failed to do so coz we are all busy with weddin preparation, photoshootings, AD stuffs...
so the plans always f a i l e d....
Yakking and sharing everythings under the sun the moon and the stars online for almost a year + + + + from wedding planning to now being MRS... our marriage life and mother talks for some brides who are mummies to be :)
How can we just sit behind the screen and laughed @ the screen...
We were joking, maybe we should bring a rose... to identify each others...
All the weird ideas...
But of coz, we had "seen" each others online.. our wedding pictres..
everyone having this... will they look the same on pictures...
hehe the most surprises ones will be the hubbies... coz in their mind... These women... a amazing friendship that blossom from the
Got hubby actually went,
U SURE? u going to meet them?
You SURE u meeting all the girls?? no guys??? lolz
Finally we ( 7 of us) had our 1st Meet up... its indeed a more relaxing one..
no more worries about wedding preparation... no more worries abt how much things we still had to complete...
Its a laughing session... a sharing session of how's marriage life...
Good foods, GREAT companies
A gathering without the hubbies...
Dec is a pressie season so how can we be left out???
So we had a dinner + x'mas exchange session....
Cookies i did for the gals....
I bought these lock lock containers as gift... why not accessories or other things...
lolz i tink i perfer something the gals can use... for themselves or for the babies in the future...
something practical since no idea who will be getting it coz we are having a draw lots session for the gift.
Our deares I gotten my gift. Hope she like it.
Here's mine, a bling bling charm from J.
Mr sim gave out a *smile* when he saw it... coz he knew.. BLING BLING...
tat's just so ME... :p

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