Monday, December 13, 2010

Anyone did Eyebrow Embroidery before?

Eyebrow Embroidery

had been running around my mind for month BUT but but i had no courage to do so... arghz..
i scared of P A I N
some said its not painful @ all.. some said its like ants bites... some said still bearable...
but i am so f r e a k e d off when i searched on youtube how they did it
and not once.. but most had to do it twice.. 2nd time for touched up and maybe 1 to 2yrs later for another touched up...

if only i am borned with darker eyebrow colour..
I had been doing eyebrow threading since i am 18yrs old... till now
Only things i hate is appointment in the early morning... IF i don't wake up early to draw my eyebrow...
I will look so restless due to the colour of my original brow colour :(

BUT serious 7 out 10 times i chosed to I N G O R E D it *lazy*

After wedding.. seeing how nice eyebrows really brighten up one's features
i been telling Mr sim.. I WANT TO IT
lol but end up chickened out...
I scared i end up like having 2 strokes on my face
I scared the person isn't skillful enough
i scared i will regert .. so many what if.. how ar.. appeared in my mind running ard...

I been looking and asking ard.. the price ranged from $150 onwards to a few hundreds to thousands.. -_-"
i wished i just had the courage to make appt and walked in and consult and DO IT!
come out with nice brows after that...

Anyone did it? Can share your expeience?


  1. I went to the famous salon at Bishan, the one which you call now and probably only get a slot in April. It's only $150 + 1 free touch up, which is about 1mth after the first time. It was painful for me the first time but really bearable pain. It stings a little after, red and abit puffy on the eyebrow area but no fuss. Straight away can wash face and all that. Don't even need to apply any cream.

    2nd time touch up I felt better, lesser pain. But my mum felt more pain during the touch up. And she has been through the old time eyebrow tattoo and eyeliner tattoo. Surprised that she actually felt pain.

    Highly recommended but go for a good one so you get nice brows :)

  2. Hi Jaslyn

    Thank u for your sharing.

    I won't be able to do it so soon for now. Will consider it when i am ready to do it.

    Many thanks.
